When people interact with the criminal justice system, it’s important to have support to thrive back in the community. Chief among these supports is a safe and supportive place to stay, providing case management and service navigation. For those who leave the criminal justice system at an advanced age, there can be additional concerns and challenges, including complex medical conditions. A portion of our community residential facility beds support this population, where they receive specialized support from medical staff.
Phoenix provides CRF 29 beds for men on Day Parole, Full Parole with Residency, Statutory Release with Residency and persons on UTA or Work Releases who need assistance in returning to community living.
A focus on building the strength and capacity of the person and the community informs programming at Rising Sun as the key building blocks necessary for individuals to achieve long-term stability in the areas of housing, income, employment and quality of life. Acceptance to Rising Sun is through screening by our Access and Support Team including our Case Manager, Institutional Liaison and Community Representative.
Referrals are through Institutions and area parole offices from parole officers with Managers completing interviews through Liaison work and a community screening process for possible acceptance.
Applicants ideally have family or other support in the Surrey area, are willing to find employment or attend school; are accountable to program rules and guidelines, are willing to accept help and guidance, and are considered appropriate to be safely managed by Phoenix CRF staff and resources in a community corrections program.
The CRF program also encompasses 5 CSC transitional suites/beds on the third floor of Rising Sun.