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Phoenix Society applauds Chilliwack Council for approval of Shelter and Supportive Housing Project

Phoenix Society applauds Chilliwack Council for approval of Shelter and Supportive Housing Project


CHILLIWACK – JUNE 22, 2021 – Phoenix Society is pleased that on Tuesday, June 15 Chilliwack City Council voted in support of BC Housing’s rezoning application required to construct the forthcoming 90-bed Rowat Project, that will offer 50 supportive homes and a 40-bed shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness in Chilliwack.

BC Housing has selected the Phoenix Society as the operator of this program, and our organization is excited the project has now received overwhelming support from Mayor and Council.

“The shelter component of this project will bring forward much needed additional capacity in Chilliwack after they experienced a 38 per cent increase in their local homeless count from 2017 to 2020,” said Keir Macdonald, CEO of Phoenix Society. “The Supportive Housing will be self contained studio apartments, complete with a bathroom and kitchen. There will be a multi-disciplinary staffing team providing 24-hour coverage which will include tenant support workers, as well as staff offering life skills training, cultural programming and referrals to other community services and support.”

Phoenix Society recognizes that there is an incredible need for these social supports in Chilliwack today, with a growing number of people experiencing homelessness. Housing and shelter programs such as the one Phoenix will operate, can help address the root causes of homelessness by offering a range of essential support services, including meals, mental health and substance use services, employment, and primary care. Although this project cannot be expected to completely meet all of Chilliwack’s needs, it will play a key role in supporting those who are currently unhoused.

“By providing both supportive homes and shelter spaces, this project will help meet the significant need for more safe and secure spaces for vulnerable people in the community,” said Dan Coulter, MLA for Chilliwack. “I would like to thank the City of Chilliwack for supporting this project and Phoenix Society for partnering with the Province. I look forward to seeing construction begin on this much-needed project.”

Many Chilliwack City Councillors, including Coun. Bud Mercer, spoke in favour of the application on June 15, prior to the rezoning application receiving support.

“One of the things that’s gold about this facility is that once you come through the gate so to speak, it’s wrap-around help, it’s all inclusive,” said Mercer during the hearing. “It gives you the two most important things that a person needs to ask for help, which is a roof and food. When you have a roof and food, you’re in a better place to ask for help. This facility is providing all of that; one-stop shopping. We thank the Provincial Government, and Fraser Health and all of the partners for coming together. I absolutely support this.”

Phoenix Society thanks Chilliwack council for its support, and looks forward to the breaking ground of this facility. Construction is expected to start later this year with an anticipated opening of Spring of 2022.

Read more about the project here: Chilliwack – Supportive Housing and Shelter | Let’s Talk Housing BC (

About The Phoenix Society:  Since 1989, Phoenix Society has grown from an idea, to its first recovery programs and is now a multi-faceted, integrated service provider that offers a variety of programs and support services, helping residents and program participants achieve positive outcomes in their lives. A key purpose of the Surrey-based Society is to provide housing and support services for people at multiple entry points on the continuum. Learn more at

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Veronica Muniak
Communications and Digital Media Coordinator
[email protected]