What We Offer


Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Human life is precious and infinitely valuable. Everyone deserves to be treated according to their innate value, no matter their circumstances.

Access to a safe community is a human right. No one should live in fear of the community they live in. A safe community is a prerequisite to fostering one’s sense of
belonging and well-being through connection.

The connected life is a better life. No one should be without an active and caring support network—whether through friends, family, colleagues or community members.

Mental well-being is fundamental to a healthy life. It helps us cope with stress, navigate challenges, and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity. Mental well-being is
essential to well-being in all parts of life. There can be no health without mental health.

Progress in life is not a linear journey. Mistakes and setbacks are part of the human experience, and we all have endless opportunities to start again. We should not be surprised to find that for many of us, it takes multiple tries to get on a desired pathway.

Everyone deserves a meaningful life. Our definitions of a rich and meaningful life are as unique as we are. No human should exist without opportunities to be well and to
thrive, regardless of their circumstances.


Service recipients address problematic substance use by:
• Decreasing engagement with substance use
• Minimizing the negative effects of substance use (such as unstable housing)
• Making progress towards their journey of recovery, or
• Embracing a healthier lifestyle free from substance dependence.

Service recipients achieve healthy, stable lives by:
• Gaining insight into behaviours and reactions that promote or detract from well-being
• Developing effective coping strategies for triggers and past traumas
• Experiencing an enhanced overall quality of life
• Developing essential life skills, social skills, and self-care practices

Service recipients pursue a fulfilling future with:
• Support on their journey towards their personal goals and aspirations
• Respect for their individual desires and life objectives
• Empowerment to o pursue success according to their own definitions
• Guidance on how to leverage their strengths to pursue their goals
• Support to cultivate optimism and hope on their journey and unlocking their inherent potential

Service recipients build supportive connections with others by:
• Creating and maintaining a network of valuable relationships
• Diminishing feelings of isolation and loneliness
• Creating a sense of belonging with others and within their community

Service recipients experience a reduction in stigma associated with their journey by:
• Becoming active participants in their communities and society
• Engaging in activities and maintaining connections


Meeting people whenever and wherever they are ready – We are at our best when we seek a deep understanding of the experience of our service
recipients and engage them at their point of readiness.

Trauma-informed – We are at our best when we engage our service recipients with recognition of their trauma and shape our engagement with
sensitivity to the vulnerabilities and possibilities afforded by their trauma.

Person-centreed – We are at our best when we put the service recipient at the centre, orienting our work to their best opportunity to pursue the life they
want to have.

Working as a team – We are at our best when we are joining together cooperatively, sharing responsibilities, communicating clearly to one another, and
exchanging ideas among our team to achieve the highest quality of service.

Non-judgmental – We are at our best when we practice profound respect, curiosity, and affirmation of service recipients just as they are while seeing and
supporting their best possible futures.

Safe and trustworthy connections – We are at our best when we engage our service recipients in ways that are mindful of our shared and respective
contexts, exhibiting an ethic of safety and trustworthiness in every interaction.

Showing up authentically – We are at our best when we are true to ourselves and our values, refusing to other our service recipients or each other,
recognizing that we are all, in one form or another, on a journey to grow and develop into our full potential.


O T H E R  S E R V I C E S

Employment Program
Job Placement
Kwantlen – Education University
Community-Based Residential Facilities
MHSD – Provide Connections to Ministry worker

P R O G R A M I N G / A C T I V I T I E S

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT)
Relapse prevention
Wellness groups
Mindful workshops

Yoga, Meditation, Volunteerism
Soccer, Baseball, Music Therapy
Hiking, Nature Walks, Sweat Lodge
Hockey, Bowling, Financial Literacy

H O M E O W N E R S H I P  O P P O R T U N I T I E S

The Shared Equity Home Ownership program
at Rising Sun represents an innovative model
for people with incomes under $65,000
enabling them to own their home, build
limited equity while maintaining affordability
for future purchasers.

Contact Phoenix Society to learn more about our programs or view ‘Services’ section.