Phoenix House

Phoenix House offers a stabilization and transitional living residence in a safe, quiet residential home setting for men in with serious substance use issues who:

  • Have completed withdrawal management and who may be waiting to enter an intensive residential services and supports program
  • May have completed an intensive residential services and supports program and require further support in a safe environment
  • May be in the process of reintegrating back into the community and require low-to-moderate services and supports in a safe, structured living arrangement, free of alcohol and illicit drugs, and are not yet ready for day programs or community substance use services

This 10-bed licensed stabilization program is funded by Fraser Health and includes:

  • meal service
  • transportation to main site and appointments
  • laundry
  • counselling
  • 24/7 on-site staff
  • medical care
  • pharmacy service
  • Opioid Agonist Treatment


Surrey BC

Our goal is to offer meaningful connections and sustainable solutions to the problems of addiction and homelessness in the community.